#1 Rated SQL Database File Repair Tool

MS SQL Database Repair Tool

Did you discover one of the below mentioned issues or any other error while try to access SQL database?

  • Frequent error messages when trying to open SQL Server.
  • Unable to access any of the tables stored in the SQL database.
  • SQL Server responding late or hangs up at times.
  • DML operations do not execute properly and prompts error messages every time.
  • None of your queries were executing properly or is giving inconsistence results.

Then there is no doubt your SQL database file i.e. (.mdf) file gets damaged or corrupted and need to be repaired. So, before the conditions become critical, repair the MDF files using SQL Repair Tool and restore back your crucial tables, views, indexes, stored procedures, triggers, etc. with ease.

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Why Choose SQL Database (MDF) Repair Tool?

repair SQL database file

Repair Corrupt SQL Server Database

It effectively scans the database thoroughly and repairs all scenarios of database corruption to bring it back to the consistent state.

restore MDF and NDF database files

Restore Objects of MDF & NDF Files

It repairs both the primary and secondary data files of SQL Server i.e. MDF and NDF files and restores all its objects.

repair SQL database file

Repair All Database Components

Repair and recovers all the components of SQL database including tables, views, indexes, stored procedures, triggers, rules etc.

fix SQL database file errors

Fix SQL Database Errors

This tool also resolve number of corruption issues and errors like clustered index leaf level corruption, schema corruption, consistency corruption and so on.

recover compressed SQL database data

Recover PAGE & ROW Compressed Data

Repair and recovers SQL tables with PAGE and ROW compression schemas to its original state. Also provide an option to recover & include deleted records in MS SQL database (MDF) repaired file.

preview data items

Previews Database Objects

As the scanning process is finished, it previews all the recoverable data in a tree-like structure and the tables are listed in a sorted manner as well. You can easily select any of the table to see its content that you wish to recover.

Free download to scan corrupt MS SQL Database Files and preview all recoverable data.

reasons of Outlook corruption


There are many different reasons responsible for the corruption of SQL Server’s primary data file. Here check out some of the possible reasons:

  • Abrupt shut down of the database when it is open
  • Invalid file header in the database
  • Occurrence of bad sector in the storage media
  • Inaccessibility of partition or drivers
  • Media corruption or damage
  • Hardware problems or malfunctioning of software
SQL MDF errors

Common MS SQL Database Errors/Issues

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